First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number
City *
State *
Age (Date of Birth)
Instagram Link
Relationship Status
Are you currently talking to someone you have NOT met in person yet?
How did you virtually meet?
How long have you been talking and how do you communicate (video call/text/email/phone call)?
Date's Name
Date's Age
Date's Phone Number
Date's Location
Date's Instagram Link
Have you been on a cruise before? If so, how many and which cruise lines?
What obstacles have stopped you two from meeting up in person?
Describe you and your date’s connection so far. What did you bond over, what attracts you to each other?
What are you most excited about meeting in person for the first time?
What makes you nervous about meeting in person for the first time?
Do you and your date lead similar or wildly different lifestyles? How are your personalities different?
How did you find out about our casting?
Photo of you